Tim Hauf Tim Hauf - has travelled to many remote corners of the planet with a desire to create a better understanding and appreciation of the world around us through photography. He has published several best-selling books featuring unique destinations such as the trek to Everest Base Camp in the Himalaya of Nepal; South America's remote Patagonia region at the southern tip of the continent; Manitoba Canada's wilderness; and the Channel Islands, off the coast of California. His photographs have been widely published in travel magazines throughout the world including Islands, Sunset, Sea Magazine, Asia Pacific Travel, Explore, Terre Sauvage, Dove and others. South Africa's uniqueness, as well as its dedication to the preservation of its cultural history, flora and fauna, and the unique and contrasting landscapes has a special appeal to him. It is this passion which he wishes to share through his photography and books. Max Du Preez Max du Preez - contributed to the Apartheid Museum and the Democracy Museum and wrote a section in Turning Points in South African History, published by the Department of Education in 2004. He authored several books, including best-sellers Pale Native, and Of Warriors, Lovers and Prophets - Unusual Stories from South Africa s Past. He received numerous awards for journalism, including the Outstanding Young South African Award by the Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Foreign Correspondents Association of South Africa Award for Outstanding Journalism, the Pringle Award by the South African Society of Journalists, the Louis M Lyons Award by the Nieman Fellows at Harvard University, an honorary degree by the University of Cape Town, and the International Journalist of the Year Award for 2006 by the Yale University Globalist. He is a former political correspondent of Financial Mail, Sunday Times and Business Day, and founder/editor of the ground-breaking weekly Vrye Weekblad.
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