The File On Fraulein Berg - Joan Lingard, knyga

The File On Fraulein Berg

32 skelbimai
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Kate and her two best friends, Sally and Harriet, attend classes at Belfast School in 1944 Ireland. Ireland is in the midst of World War II, and like many people of Northern Ireland, the girls are bored with the war and depressed by wartime concerns, but impassioned by their hatred for the Germans. Bombings no longer occur in Belfast, yet the people must live with the destruction and the rationing, and they must accept living in a world where religious and political conflicts restrict their actions and mold their beliefs. Kate and her friends experience the typical restlessness of adolescence and they long to find an outlet for their energies. When Fraulein Berg comes to Belfast School as a substitute teacher, the three girls find that outlet. Combining characteristic girlhood drama with the desperation unique to young people living with the situation in wartime Belfast, the three girls convince...

The File On Fraulein Berg

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